Federal Programs
Title I
The purpose of Title I funding and programming is to provide early intervention and academic support for economically deprived students who might otherwise be at risk of performing below grade level during the school year.
Park Hill provides at least a full-time reading interventionist at each Title I served building.
Title II
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality. Title IIA allows districts the flexibility to address challenges in areas like teacher preparation and qualifications of new teachers, recruitment and hiring, induction, professional development, and retention. In addition, Title IIA funds may be used to improve the skills and knowledge of principals for effective school leadership. As with any activity that the Park Hill School District provides for public school teachers, activities supported with Title II, Part A funds that benefit private school teachers must meet the requirements of the statute. For example, activities to be carried out for private school personnel must be secular in nature and based on a review of scientifically based research and must be expected to improve student academic achievement. Requested activities should be:
- Directly linked to improved student learning
- Directly linked to the building school improvement plan
- Supported by building leadership and a school-wide initiative
Requested activities must provide high-quality, evidence based, personalized professional development for teachers, instructional leadership teams, principals, or other school leaders focused on improving teaching, student learning and achievement and include one or more of the following criteria:
- Content knowledge related to standards and classroom instruction
- Instructional strategies and/or classroom management skills
- Effectively integrate technology into curricula and instruction
- Use data to improve student achievement and understand how to ensure individual student privacy is protected
- Effectively engage, parents, families, and community partners, and coordinate services between school and community
- Help all students develop the skills essential for learning readiness and academic success
- Increase the ability of teachers to effectively teach children with disabilities, including children with significant cognitive disabilities, and ELs
Non-public schools that are within the Park hill School District boundaries are eligible for Title II A funds through Park Hill. Eligibility is based upon the school's address, not the address of any given student within the non-public school.
Title III
The purpose of the Title III English Learners and Immigrant Students program is to help English learning students, including immigrant children and youth, attain English language proficiency and meet the same challenging academic content and achievement standards that all children are expected to meet.
Title IV
The purpose of Title IV A is to provide funding to improve student academic achievement by increasing school district capacity to:
- Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
- Improve school conditions for student learning; and
- Increase the use of technology to enhance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Non-Public Forms
Checklist for non-public schools requesting funds
- Park Hill Board Policy - Travel
- Park Hill Allowability Procedure
- Park Hill Federal Financial Controls
Title II/IV Documents
Application for use of funds
Pre-travel Authorization
Vendor and Travel Forms
New Vendor Packet
Travel Expense Reimbursement Form
Cares Funding
Guidance from DESE
Non-Public Allocations
CARES Purchase Request
ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
Federal Programs Complaint Resolution Procedures
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires certain notifications to parents and guardians when school districts receive federal funds. School districts must annually disseminate federal programs complaint resolution procedures to parents and guardians of students and appropriate private school officials or representatives. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) complaint procedures can be found online.
Under the ESSA federal law, parents and guardians may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their students’ classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. Please contact the Park Hill human resources department to request this information. You have a right to request the following:
- Whether the student’s teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
- Whether the student’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- Whether the teacher is teaching in a field or discipline of the certification of the teacher.
- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Debbie From