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Access and Inclusion

photo of diverse hands

Our Access and Inclusion Work

In 2015, the Park Hill School District started its focused efforts on access and inclusion. Through this work, we formed our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Council to help inform our work along the way.

Drivers and Narratives

In August 2022, our Board of Education adopted our Drivers, Narratives and Terms in relation to this work in the Park Hill School District.

DEIB Drivers and Narratives

Our Access and Inclusion Timeline

Our current efforts started in 2015, they continue to this day, and we plan to expand our work in the future.

DEIB Glossary of Terms graphic
Park Hill Moment Faces of South screensnip

Students who attend Park Hill South High School hosted a cultural fair to showcase the food, dress and many other highlights of their cultures.


Dr. Terri Deayon
Director of Access, Inclusion and Family Engagement

Perspectives as represented with multicolored arrows pointing in various directions

We are committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work in Park Hill. Visit our comment portal if you have a comment, a suggestion, a story or a compliment pertaining to DEIB in our community.

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