Park Hill by the Numbers
We Have 20 Schools
The Park Hill School District has . . .
- Two traditional high schools (grades 9-12)
- One innovative, personalized high school program
- Four middle schools (grades 6-8)
- Eleven elementary schools (grades K-5)
- One day school for students who need a therapeutic learning environment (grades K-12)
- One early childhood education center (ages 3-5)
Our Students are Beautifully Diverse
Our students come from many backgrounds, and our enrollment reflects the diversity of our community.
- 66.1% white
- 12.7% Black
- 10.4% Hispanic
- 5.9% multi-racial
- 3.1% Asian
- 1.2% Pacific Islander
- 0.5% American Indian
We Have 11,698 Students
We had 11,698 students enrolled last year. Over the last 30 years, our enrollment has grown slowly and steadily.
More Than 94% Recommend Us
More than 94% of our community would be likely to recommend us to a friend or family member, according to our annual phone survey.
Our Teachers are Highly Skilled
More than 82% of our educators have at least a master's degree, and many also have education specialist and doctoral degrees.
Our Grads Earn Millions
Our graduating classes earn more than $16 million in scholarships each year to take them to their chosen colleges or trade schools.
We Are a Large District
We are one of the larger districts in the state of Missouri, with the 16th largest enrollment.
Our Graduates Go On to Successful Futures
More than 94% of Park Hill School District graduates tell us they went on to college, technical school, the military or a career.
Our Taxpayers Pay Less Than Others
Among the 12 similar school districts in our region, only one has a lower tax rate than Park Hill.